※之後會比較少更新了,還請見諒喔! ※還有這個部落格不是很八卦PO那些演員逛街的照片,除非我非常喜歡才會PO~

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amy9530 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

想不到http://www.eclipsemovie.org/ 網站也會用內地照片啊?那LOGO真是明顯= =

這是在演Rosalie Hale和貝拉提起的往事,這幕是跟她未婚夫Royce King的親密照片...(被狗仔拍的)

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這是飾演萊利的Xavier Samuel他拍攝的片段,不太懂什麼戲要跑在雨中?



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We just literally posted pictures of Jacob Black’s house with Eclipse vehicles parked outside of it. And now pictures have surfaced of Peter Facinelli as Dr.Carlisle Cullen and Werewolves in robes outside of Jacob Black’s house! Which leads us all to believe that Mandy’s prediction was correct – they are filming the part Carlisle comes to fix Jacob’s injuries. After the BIG fight with the Newborns!

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MTV has a new interview with Eclipse vibrant Vampire – Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen). In the short (but sweet) interview. Ashley touches base on the fight training for Eclipse and gives some details -


We’re getting battered and bruised, but it’s good, though,” she told MTV News. “We’re kind of just getting into it. All the battle and fight stuff is going to happen next month.”


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There are some juicy new pics of a scene being filmed for Eclipse in Vancouver with Xavier Samuel as Riley and Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria.

這有一些在Vancouver拍攝蝕的多汁的新圖片,是Xavier Samuel飾演的萊利和Bryce Dallas Howard飾演的維多利亞。

You get a decent look at Victoria’s new look with Rachelle LeFevre-replacement Bryce Dallas Howard, which I have to be honest is not giving me the same badass-vibe that Rachelle did.  It feels more night at the goth club than night of the terror-inducing vamps.

你可以看到還不錯的新的維多利亞的模樣是Bryce Dallas Howard代替Rachelle LeFevre飾演的,我必須真誠的說Rachelle做的沒有給我太壞的印象。這感覺野蠻族類比恐怖的吸血鬼更黑暗了。

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