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From vivian_ortiz via RobPattzNews

There is no way I can pick a favorite scene right now.
With all the excitement and tension going on I’d have to see the
movie at least 3 more times to decide. I will say that I LOVED Edward’s
proposal. There was so much attention to detail! Yes there were parts
where you could tell that the editing process wasn’t complete but it
still looked amazing.

I am proudly a Team Edward fan but for all those Team
Jacob fans, you think you got a good glimpse of him in New Moon, well he
spends 99.9% of the time shirtless in Eclipse.
我是個驕傲的Team Edward粉絲,但對於那些Team Jacob的粉絲來說,你認為你已經看到他在新月裡好的一面(?),他在蝕之中可是有百分之99.9的時間的光著上身呢!(大家看完去看眼科...呵呵)

There was a lot more humor worked into the scenes of
Eclipse [you all know how funny Charlie can be] The chemistry and
tension of the Bella, Edward, Jacob love triangle was so much more
believable in this movie.

From Emily:(Hayden翻譯)<Hayden翻譯,轉載請取得同意>

First, the trailers HARDLY give the movie any justice, which is always a great thing – you go in expecting one thing and leave completely blown away. This movie was by far the best and I have nonegative comments on it. David Slade did an amazing job, his shots andfight scenes were amazingly done.
首先,"很難"針對預告對電影做出任 何評論,評論是件嚴謹的事,像是當你期待 著某一件事,然後完全被他給征服的感覺。這部電影到目前為止是最棒的,我沒有任何負面評論,David Slad拍得好極了,他的拍攝手法及打鬥畫面拍得太棒了!

By far the best yet. They stayed
completely true to the book – this had the most direct and almost
direct quotes andddd LOTS of making out!! Very Edward and Bella
focused which was great! And the most exciting, Jasper was truly the
breakthrough character of this movie. He was the most impressive and Iloved that he had actual dialogue in this movie.
到目前為止是最棒的,他們完整保留書 裡的內容─這差不多可以說是最佳的指導 了!有非常多的重點著重在Edward和Bella,這真是再好不過了!最令人興奮的是Jasper可以說是演技最突破的一個角色了,他是最出色的演 員,而且這次在電影中也有關鍵的台詞。
This movie will definitely be more guy friendly, and the humor has stepped up big time! It’s not cheesily thrown in there like the crack of “guess the wolf’s outta the bag.” More edgy this time around.
Sexual humor was tossed around too. I know all the Twilight fans are
going to be amazed and definitely not disappointed!!
這部電影絕對是能吸引男性觀眾的,而 且幽默的場面也增加不少!但卻不是那種低 劣的笑點,不是那種"狼人的秘密被揭穿了"的笑話。(迷之音:這是甚麼鬼笑話= =)這次是更加有心思的。

6/30 The twilight saga:Eclipse IMAX~!



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