※之後會比較少更新了,還請見諒喔! ※還有這個部落格不是很八卦PO那些演員逛街的照片,除非我非常喜歡才會PO~

目前分類:暮光新聞 (9)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

The Scream Awards are held on Spike TV at the Greek Theatre in LA. The show is taped on Saturday October 17th, and will air on TV Tuesday October 27th at 10pm ET.

尖叫獎繼續在Spike TV上 在LA的希臘戲院。展場在10/17星期六被錄影,並且會在10/27星期二晚上10點 空中在電視上與大家相會。

Twilight is nominated for -


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Nominated for 12 awards Twilight takes home 11 of them!

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The Guardian has a new article on how Forks has been changed from Twilight Tourism in the area. I found this bit particularly interesting–


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The New Mexico paper The Daily Times has a really sweet article just in time for Mother’s Day about the close bonds people of all types–but particurly moms–have found within the world of Twilight. The article focuses on the excellent TwilightMoms website, and also notes that family bonds are strengthened with common interest in Twilight–

新墨西哥報The Daily Times有一則在母親節、關於聯繫各式各樣的人非常甜蜜的文章,但特別是母親們找到了Twilight。


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Best Movie:最佳電影
The Dark Knight
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Iron Man
Slumdog Millionaire

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一群十幾歲的女孩們在星期六銷售Twilight DVD的那一天排隊把Robert Pattinson帶回家,完成了在午夜的派對。
這個浪漫轟動的吸血鬼自從十一月上映之後票房總額三億八千萬,Twilight DVD在第一天賣超過三百萬張。

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這是我自己拍照自己打上來的(打字超累= =)

克莉絲史都華 不想當偶像

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As any Twi-Hard with a preorder in at Amazon.com -- or plans to line up for a midnight release party -- knows, the Twilight DVD goes on sale Saturday, March 21. The two-disc special edition promises extended and deleted scenes, audio commentary, music videos, a seven-part documentary on the making of the movie, and more.


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