※之後會比較少更新了,還請見諒喔! ※還有這個部落格不是很八卦PO那些演員逛街的照片,除非我非常喜歡才會PO~

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Check out this new set of New Moon candies that reader Melissa found at a local Walgreen’s for $2.99–


24 in a pack, Bella is Creme filled, Edward is caramel filled, and Jacob is Peanut Butter.

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Here are the details we know so far:

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There are some juicy new pics of a scene being filmed for Eclipse in Vancouver with Xavier Samuel as Riley and Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria.

這有一些在Vancouver拍攝蝕的多汁的新圖片,是Xavier Samuel飾演的萊利和Bryce Dallas Howard飾演的維多利亞。

You get a decent look at Victoria’s new look with Rachelle LeFevre-replacement Bryce Dallas Howard, which I have to be honest is not giving me the same badass-vibe that Rachelle did.  It feels more night at the goth club than night of the terror-inducing vamps.

你可以看到還不錯的新的維多利亞的模樣是Bryce Dallas Howard代替Rachelle LeFevre飾演的,我必須真誠的說Rachelle做的沒有給我太壞的印象。這感覺野蠻族類比恐怖的吸血鬼更黑暗了。

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