
According to a reader, the New Moon trailer that was first shown at the MTV Movie Awards may begin showing up in theaters on Friday with, at the very least, Sandra Bullock’s new film The Proposal, as it was shown at a sneak preview of the film last night–

引用讀者的話,新月預告片在頒發MTV電影獎時第一次放映,接下來可能會在星期五開始於各個戲院放映了非常少的Sandra Bullock的新片The Proposal在昨晚被偷偷的預先播放了-

I just thought I’d let you know, because there has been a lot of speculation as to when they would start putting out the trailer for New Moon…I SAW IT TONIGHT AT THE THEATRE.


It was AWESOME! I went to see the sneak peak of The Proposal (which by the way is a hilarious movie, go see it) and it was the first movie trailer.

這真是可怕!我偷偷的去看The Proposal(順便一提這是個很搞笑的電影,可以去看唷)並且它是第一個電影預告片。

I about freaked when they showed the shoreline, I knew exactly what it was! It was the same as the “sneak” we saw during the MTV Movie Awards, but seriously it was 100% better to see it in the theatre.


Some of you have already noticed the New Moon poster showing up in theaters, as well–as shown in this shot that another reader sent in.

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