※之後會比較少更新了,還請見諒喔! ※還有這個部落格不是很八卦PO那些演員逛街的照片,除非我非常喜歡才會PO~

amy9530 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


We just literally posted pictures of Jacob Black’s house with Eclipse vehicles parked outside of it. And now pictures have surfaced of Peter Facinelli as Dr.Carlisle Cullen and Werewolves in robes outside of Jacob Black’s house! Which leads us all to believe that Mandy’s prediction was correct – they are filming the part Carlisle comes to fix Jacob’s injuries. After the BIG fight with the Newborns!

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The Spanish version of the official New Moon website – LaSagaCrepusculo.com has pretty much the same images/options (the layout is a tad bit different) as the English version of the site. Except for the above image.


Any thoughts as to what part of New Moon this is? Your guess is as good as mine!

amy9530 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

翻的不太好= =

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You can get yours via the iTunes App Store now! Go here to get yours!

Now I want an iPod Touch : (


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amy9530 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bath&Body Works has 3 Twilight inspired products available for order: DuWop Twilight Lip Venom, Twilight Woods Body Lotion, and Twilight Woods Candle.

沐浴乳Works有三種有靈感的製造出可利用的商品:DuWop Twilight唇蜜、Twilight森林沐浴乳和Twilight森林蠟燭

Currently the Twilight Woods Body Lotion is on sale for only $1.00! You can order any one of the above products here!


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